Your Child is Facing Juvenile Charges in NJ: What You Need to Know
Posted by Scott Gorman - July 30, 2021

If your child has been detained on juvenile charges in New Jersey, it will be important for you to speak with a Morristown juvenile lawyer about your child’s situation. The initial stages of your child’s case will move quickly; and, while it is possible that your child could be released shortly, it is also possible that a judge could order your child to be held in detention pending the final outcome of his or her case. A Morristown juvenile lawyer will be able to do everything possible to have your child released and avoid unnecessary future consequences.

There are several steps in the juvenile cases in New Jersey, and different cases can proceed in different ways. Here is a brief overview of what you need to know if your child has been detained:

1. An Initial Detention Hearing Will Take Place Within One Day

An initial detention hearing will take place within one day. You can (and should) be present, and you can (and should) hire a lawyer to represent your child. At this hearing, a judge will explain the charges against your child and decide whether he or she should be released or remain in detention.

2. A Second Detention Hearing Will Take Place Within Two Working Days

If the judge decides that your child should remain in detention at the initial hearing, then another hearing will be scheduled within two working days. At this hearing, your child is required to have legal representation. A prosecutor will present evidence to the judge, and the judge will make a determination as to both (i) whether the evidence is sufficient to justify the charges against your child, and (ii) whether further detention is warranted. It is possible that your child’s case could be dismissed at this stage, but it is also possible that your child could be held in detention pending another hearing.

If your child is held in detention following this hearing, then a detention review hearing will be scheduled within 14 days and every 21 days thereafter until either (i) your child is released, or (ii) your child’s case is over.

3. Your Child’s Case Will Go to Another Hearing for Adjudication

After these preliminary hearings, your child’s case will go to another hearing for adjudication. This hearing can take place before a Juvenile Conference Committee (JCC), juvenile referee or judge. If your child is adjudicated delinquent, he or she can face various penalties—including fines, restitution, community service, probation, and confinement. If your child is found innocent of the charges filed, then he or she will be released without further consequences.

Due to the risks involved with facing juvenile charges in New Jersey, it is extremely important for your child to have experienced legal representation. To discuss the upcoming steps in your child’s juvenile case in confidence, contact us today.

Speak with Morristown Juvenile Lawyer Scott Gorman for Free

Is your child facing juvenile charges in New Jersey? If so, Morristown juvenile lawyer Scott Gorman can help. Call 973-796-3800 or contact us online to arrange a free and confidential consultation as soon as possible.

Published in Categories: Juvenile Defense